AO3 News

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Red background with all 7 of the OTW logos scattered in a circle around the words Membership Drive, April 5-7, 2024.  The logos are for AO3,  Legal, OTW, Open Doors, Fanlore, TWC and Fanhackers

The Organization for Transformative Works's April membership drive is over and we are delighted to say that we are finishing with a total of $207,088.91 raised, far exceeding our goal of $50,000. These donations came from 6073 people in 70 countries: thank you to every single one of you, as well as to all of you who posted and shared the news about the drive!

We are particularly pleased that 5206 donors chose to either take up or renew OTW membership with their donation. The OTW would not exist without its users all around the world, and your continued support for us is our absolute pride and joy! We are so glad to know that our ongoing mission to support, protect, and provide access to the history of fanworks and fan culture continues to resonate with the people that matter most of all: the fans themselves.

If you were intending to donate or join and haven't yet done so, don't worry! The OTW accepts donations all year round and you can always choose to become a member with a donation of US$10 or more. Memberships run for one calendar year from the date of your donation, so if you donate now you'll be able to vote in the 2024 OTW Board elections, which will take place in August. Our exclusive thank-you gifts are available whenever you donate!

The Organization for Transformative Works is the non-profit parent organization of multiple projects including Archive of Our Own, Fanlore, Open Doors, Transformative Works and Cultures, and OTW Legal Advocacy. We are a fan run, entirely donor-supported organization staffed by volunteers. Find out more about us on our website.